ICD-10-CM-2023 > S00-T88 > T80-T88 > T80 |
T80-T88 | Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified | |
Use add'l | code for adverse effect, if applicable, to identify drug (T36-T50 with fifth or sixth character 5) code(s) to identify the specified condition resulting from the complication code to identify devices involved and details of circumstances (Y62-Y82) | |
Excl2.: | any encounters with medical care for postprocedural conditions in which no complications are present, such as: artificial opening status (Z93.-) closure of external stoma (Z43.-) fitting and adjustment of external prosthetic device (Z44.-) burns and corrosions from local applications and irradiation (T20-T32) complications of surgical procedures during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (O00-O9A) mechanical complication of respirator [ventilator] (J95.850) poisoning and toxic effects of drugs and chemicals (T36-T65 with fifth or sixth character 1-4 or 6) postprocedural fever (R50.82) specified complications classified elsewhere, such as: cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture (G97.0) colostomy malfunction (K94.0-) disorders of fluid and electrolyte imbalance (E86-E87) functional disturbances following cardiac surgery (I97.0-I97.1) intraoperative and postprocedural complications of specified body systems (D78.-, E36.-, E89.-, G97.3-, G97.4, H59.3-, H59.-, H95.2-, H95.3, I97.4-, I97.5, J95.6-, J95.7, K91.6-, L76.-, M96.-, N99.-) ostomy complications (J95.0-, K94.-, N99.5-) postgastric surgery syndromes (K91.1) postlaminectomy syndrome NEC (M96.1) postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome (I97.2) postsurgical blind-loop syndrome (K91.2) ventilator associated pneumonia (J95.851) | |
T80 | Complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
Incl.: | complications following perfusion | |
Excl2.: | bone marrow transplant rejection (T86.01) febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction (R50.84) fluid overload due to transfusion (E87.71) posttransfusion purpura (D69.51) transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO) (E87.71) transfusion (red blood cell) associated hemochromatosis (E83.111) transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) (J95.84) | |
Info: | The appropriate 7th character is to be added to each code from category T80 A - initial encounter D - subsequent encounter S - sequela | |
T80.0 | Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
T80.0XXA | Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : initial encounter | |
T80.0XXD | Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : subsequent encounter | |
T80.0XXS | Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : sequela | |
T80.1 | Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
Use add'l | code to identify the vascular complication | |
Excl2.: | extravasation of vesicant agent (T80.81-) infiltration of vesicant agent (T80.81-) vascular complications specified as due to prosthetic devices, implants and grafts (T82.8-, T83.8-, T84.8-, T85.8-) postprocedural vascular complications (T81.7-) | |
T80.1XXA | Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : initial encounter | |
T80.1XXD | Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : subsequent encounter | |
T80.1XXS | Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : sequela | |
T80.2 | Infections following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
Use add'l | code to identify the specific infection, such as: sepsis (A41.9) code (R65.2-) to identify severe sepsis, if applicable | |
Excl2.: | infections specified as due to prosthetic devices, implants and grafts (T82.6-T82.7, T83.5-T83.6, T84.5-T84.7, T85.7) postprocedural infections (T81.4-) | |
T80.21 | Infection due to central venous catheter | |
Info: | Infection due to pulmonary artery catheter (Swan-Ganz catheter) | |
T80.211 | Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter | |
Info: | Catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) NOS Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) Bloodstream infection due to Hickman catheter Bloodstream infection due to peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Bloodstream infection due to portacath (port-a-cath) Bloodstream infection due to pulmonary artery catheter Bloodstream infection due to triple lumen catheter Bloodstream infection due to umbilical venous catheter | |
T80.211A | Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter : initial encounter | |
T80.211D | Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter : subsequent encounter | |
T80.211S | Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter : sequela | |
T80.212 | Local infection due to central venous catheter | |
Info: | Exit or insertion site infection Local infection due to Hickman catheter Local infection due to peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Local infection due to portacath (port-a-cath) Local infection due to pulmonary artery catheter Local infection due to triple lumen catheter Local infection due to umbilical venous catheter Port or reservoir infection Tunnel infection | |
T80.212A | Local infection due to central venous catheter : initial encounter | |
T80.212D | Local infection due to central venous catheter : subsequent encounter | |
T80.212S | Local infection due to central venous catheter : sequela | |
T80.218 | Other infection due to central venous catheter | |
Info: | Other central line-associated infection Other infection due to Hickman catheter Other infection due to peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Other infection due to portacath (port-a-cath) Other infection due to pulmonary artery catheter Other infection due to triple lumen catheter Other infection due to umbilical venous catheter | |
T80.218A | Other infection due to central venous catheter : initial encounter | |
T80.218D | Other infection due to central venous catheter : subsequent encounter | |
T80.218S | Other infection due to central venous catheter : sequela | |
T80.219 | Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter | |
Info: | Central line-associated infection NOS Unspecified infection due to Hickman catheter Unspecified infection due to peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) Unspecified infection due to portacath (port-a-cath) Unspecified infection due to pulmonary artery catheter Unspecified infection due to triple lumen catheter Unspecified infection due to umbilical venous catheter | |
T80.219A | Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter : initial encounter | |
T80.219D | Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter : subsequent encounter | |
T80.219S | Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter : sequela | |
T80.22 | Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products | |
T80.22XA | Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.22XD | Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.22XS | Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products : sequela | |
T80.29 | Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
T80.29XA | Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : initial encounter | |
T80.29XD | Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : subsequent encounter | |
T80.29XS | Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : sequela | |
T80.3 | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Excl1.: | minor blood group antigens reactions (Duffy) (E) (K) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (N) (P) (S) (T80.A-) | |
T80.30 | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified | |
Info: | ABO incompatibility blood transfusion NOS Reaction to ABO incompatibility from transfusion NOS | |
T80.30XA | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.30XD | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.30XS | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.31 | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
T80.310 | ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction less than 24 hours after transfusion Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR) due to ABO incompatibility | |
T80.310A | ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.310D | ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.310S | ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.311 | ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction 24 hours or more after transfusion Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction (DHTR) due to ABO incompatibility | |
T80.311A | ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.311D | ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.311S | ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.319 | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified | |
Info: | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction at unspecified time after transfusion Hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) due to ABO incompatibility NOS | |
T80.319A | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.319D | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.319S | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.39 | Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Info: | Delayed serologic transfusion reaction (DSTR) from ABO incompatibility Other ABO incompatible blood transfusion Other reaction to ABO incompatible blood transfusion | |
T80.39XA | Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.39XD | Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.39XS | Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : sequela | |
T80.4 | Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Info: | Reaction due to incompatibility of Rh antigens (C) (c) (D) (E) (e) | |
T80.40 | Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified | |
Info: | Reaction due to Rh factor in transfusion NOS Rh incompatible blood transfusion NOS | |
T80.40XA | Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.40XD | Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.40XS | Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.41 | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
T80.410 | Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR) due to Rh incompatibility Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction less than 24 hours after transfusion | |
T80.410A | Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.410D | Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.410S | Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.411 | Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction (DHTR) due to Rh incompatibility Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction 24 hours or more after transfusion | |
T80.411A | Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.411D | Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.411S | Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.419 | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified | |
Info: | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction at unspecified time after transfusion Hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) due to Rh incompatibility NOS | |
T80.419A | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.419D | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.419S | Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.49 | Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Info: | Delayed serologic transfusion reaction (DSTR) from Rh incompatibility Other reaction to Rh incompatible blood transfusion | |
T80.49XA | Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.49XD | Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.49XS | Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : sequela | |
T80.A | Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Info: | Reaction due to incompatibility of minor antigens (Duffy) (Kell) (Kidd) (Lewis) (M) (N) (P) (S) | |
T80.A0 | Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified | |
Info: | Non-ABO antigen incompatibility reaction from transfusion NOS | |
T80.A0XA | Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.A0XD | Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.A0XS | Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.A1 | Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
T80.A10 | Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction (AHTR) due to non-ABO incompatibility Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction less than 24 hours after transfusion | |
T80.A10A | Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.A10D | Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.A10S | Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.A11 | Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction | |
Info: | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction (DHTR) due to non-ABO incompatibility Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction 24 or more hours after transfusion | |
T80.A11A | Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.A11D | Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.A11S | Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction : sequela | |
T80.A19 | Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified | |
Info: | Hemolytic transfusion reaction (HTR) due to non-ABO incompatibility NOS Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction at unspecified time after transfusion | |
T80.A19A | Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : initial encounter | |
T80.A19D | Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : subsequent encounter | |
T80.A19S | Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified : sequela | |
T80.A9 | Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products | |
Info: | Delayed serologic transfusion reaction (DSTR) from non-ABO incompatibility Other reaction to non-ABO incompatible blood transfusion | |
T80.A9XA | Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.A9XD | Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.A9XS | Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products : sequela | |
T80.5 | Anaphylactic reaction due to serum | |
Info: | Allergic shock due to serum Anaphylactic shock due to serum Anaphylactoid reaction due to serum Anaphylaxis due to serum | |
Excl1.: | ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products (T80.3-) allergic reaction or shock NOS (T78.2) anaphylactic reaction or shock NOS (T78.2) anaphylactic reaction or shock due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered (T88.6) other serum reaction (T80.6-) | |
T80.51 | Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products | |
T80.51XA | Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.51XD | Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.51XS | Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : sequela | |
T80.52 | Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination | |
T80.52XA | Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination : initial encounter | |
T80.52XD | Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination : subsequent encounter | |
T80.52XS | Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination : sequela | |
T80.59 | Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum | |
T80.59XA | Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum : initial encounter | |
T80.59XD | Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum : subsequent encounter | |
T80.59XS | Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum : sequela | |
T80.6 | Other serum reactions | |
Info: | Intoxication by serum Protein sickness Serum rash Serum sickness Serum urticaria | |
Excl2.: | serum hepatitis (B16-B19) | |
T80.61 | Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products | |
T80.61XA | Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : initial encounter | |
T80.61XD | Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : subsequent encounter | |
T80.61XS | Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products : sequela | |
T80.62 | Other serum reaction due to vaccination | |
T80.62XA | Other serum reaction due to vaccination : initial encounter | |
T80.62XD | Other serum reaction due to vaccination : subsequent encounter | |
T80.62XS | Other serum reaction due to vaccination : sequela | |
T80.69 | Other serum reaction due to other serum | |
Use add'l | , if applicable, arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere (M36.4) | |
T80.69XA | Other serum reaction due to other serum : initial encounter | |
T80.69XD | Other serum reaction due to other serum : subsequent encounter | |
T80.69XS | Other serum reaction due to other serum : sequela | |
T80.8 | Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
T80.81 | Extravasation of vesicant agent | |
Info: | Infiltration of vesicant agent | |
T80.810 | Extravasation of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy | |
Info: | Infiltration of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy | |
T80.810A | Extravasation of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy : initial encounter | |
T80.810D | Extravasation of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy : subsequent encounter | |
T80.810S | Extravasation of vesicant antineoplastic chemotherapy : sequela | |
T80.818 | Extravasation of other vesicant agent | |
Info: | Infiltration of other vesicant agent | |
T80.818A | Extravasation of other vesicant agent : initial encounter | |
T80.818D | Extravasation of other vesicant agent : subsequent encounter | |
T80.818S | Extravasation of other vesicant agent : sequela | |
T80.82 | Complication of immune effector cellular therapy | |
Info: | Complication of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-T) cell therapy Complication of IEC therapy | |
Excl2.: | complication of bone marrow transplant (T86.0) complication of stem cell transplant (T86.5) | |
Use add'l | code to identify the specific complication, such as: cytokine release syndrome (D89.83-) immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (G92.0-) | |
T80.82XA | Complication of immune effector cellular therapy : initial encounter | |
T80.82XD | Complication of immune effector cellular therapy : subsequent encounter | |
T80.82XS | Complication of immune effector cellular therapy : sequela | |
T80.89 | Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
Info: | Delayed serologic transfusion reaction (DSTR), unspecified incompatibility | |
Use add'l | code to identify graft-versus-host reaction, if applicable, (D89.81-) | |
T80.89XA | Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : initial encounter | |
T80.89XD | Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : subsequent encounter | |
T80.89XS | Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection : sequela | |
T80.9 | Unspecified complication following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection | |
T80.90 | Unspecified complication following infusion and therapeutic injection | |
T80.90XA | Unspecified complication following infusion and therapeutic injection : initial encounter | |
T80.90XD | Unspecified complication following infusion and therapeutic injection : subsequent encounter | |
T80.90XS | Unspecified complication following infusion and therapeutic injection : sequela | |
T80.91 | Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility | |
Excl1.: | ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction (T80.31-) Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction (T80.A1-) Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction (T80.41-) | |
T80.910 | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility | |
T80.910A | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : initial encounter | |
T80.910D | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : subsequent encounter | |
T80.910S | Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : sequela | |
T80.911 | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility | |
T80.911A | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : initial encounter | |
T80.911D | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : subsequent encounter | |
T80.911S | Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility : sequela | |
T80.919 | Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed | |
Info: | Hemolytic transfusion reaction NOS | |
T80.919A | Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed : initial encounter | |
T80.919D | Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed : subsequent encounter | |
T80.919S | Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed : sequela | |
T80.92 | Unspecified transfusion reaction | |
Info: | Transfusion reaction NOS | |
T80.92XA | Unspecified transfusion reaction : initial encounter | |
T80.92XD | Unspecified transfusion reaction : subsequent encounter | |
T80.92XS | Unspecified transfusion reaction : sequela |
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