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PCS-2023 Procedure Codes Overview
PCS-2023 > X > XW > XW0

Anatomical Regions, Introduction

Introduction: Putting in or on a therapeutic, diagnostic, nutritional, physiological, or prophylactic substance except blood or blood products
XW00 Introduction, Skin
PCS XW00 Introduction, SkinXW01 Introduction, Subcutaneous Tissue
PCS XW01 Introduction, Subcutaneous TissueXW02 Introduction, Muscle
PCS XW02 Introduction, MuscleXW03 Introduction, Peripheral Vein
PCS XW03 Introduction, Peripheral VeinXW04 Introduction, Central Vein
PCS XW04 Introduction, Central VeinXW09 Introduction, Nose
PCS XW09 Introduction, NoseXW0D Introduction, Mouth and Pharynx
PCS XW0D Introduction, Mouth and PharynxXW0G Introduction, Upper PCS XW0G Introduction, UpperGI
XW0H Introduction, Lower GI
XW0Q Introduction, Cranial Cavity and Brain
XW0V Introduction, Bones


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