ICD-10-CM-2023 > P00-P96 > P70-P74 > P74 |
P70-P74 | Transitory endocrine and metabolic disorders specific to newborn | |
Incl.: | transitory endocrine and metabolic disturbances caused by the infant's response to maternal endocrine and metabolic factors, or its adjustment to extrauterine environment | |
P74 | Other transitory neonatal electrolyte and metabolic disturbances | |
P74.0 | Late metabolic acidosis of newborn | |
Excl1.: | (fetal) metabolic acidosis of newborn (P19) | |
P74.1 | Dehydration of newborn | |
P74.2 | Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn | |
P74.21 | Hypernatremia of newborn | |
P74.22 | Hyponatremia of newborn | |
P74.3 | Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn | |
P74.31 | Hyperkalemia of newborn | |
P74.32 | Hypokalemia of newborn | |
P74.4 | Other transitory electrolyte disturbances of newborn | |
P74.41 | Alkalosis of newborn | |
Info: | Hyperbicarbonatemia | |
P74.42 | Disturbances of chlorine balance of newborn | |
P74.421 | Hyperchloremia of newborn | |
Info: | Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis | |
Excl2.: | late metabolic acidosis of the newborn (P74.0) | |
P74.422 | Hypochloremia of newborn | |
P74.49 | Other transitory electrolyte disturbance of newborn | |
P74.5 | Transitory tyrosinemia of newborn | |
P74.6 | Transitory hyperammonemia of newborn | |
P74.8 | Other transitory metabolic disturbances of newborn | |
Info: | Amino-acid metabolic disorders described as transitory | |
P74.9 | Transitory metabolic disturbance of newborn, unspecified |
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