ICD-10-CM-2023 > P00-P96 > P00-P04 > P04 |
P00-P04 | Newborn affected by maternal factors and by complications of pregnancy, labor, and delivery | |
Info: | These codes are for use when the listed maternal conditions are specified as the cause of confirmed morbidity or potential morbidity which have their origin in the perinatal period (before birth through the first 28 days after birth). | |
P04 | Newborn affected by noxious substances transmitted via placenta or breast milk | |
Incl.: | nonteratogenic effects of substances transmitted via placenta | |
Code first | any current condition in newborn, if applicable | |
Excl2.: | congenital malformations (Q00-Q99) encounter for observation of newborn for suspected diseases and conditions ruled out (Z05.-) neonatal jaundice from excessive hemolysis due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother (P58.4) newborn in contact with and (suspected) exposures hazardous to health not transmitted via placenta or breast milk (Z77.-) | |
P04.0 | Newborn affected by maternal anesthesia and analgesia in pregnancy, labor and delivery | |
Info: | Newborn affected by reactions and intoxications from maternal opiates and tranquilizers administered for procedures during pregnancy or labor and delivery | |
Excl2.: | newborn affected by other maternal medication (P04.1-) | |
P04.1 | Newborn affected by other maternal medication | |
Code first | withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction, if applicable (P96.1) | |
Excl1.: | dysmorphism due to warfarin (Q86.2) fetal hydantoin syndrome (Q86.1) | |
Excl2.: | maternal anesthesia and analgesia in pregnancy, labor and delivery (P04.0) maternal use of drugs of addiction (P04.4-) | |
P04.11 | Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy | |
P04.12 | Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs | |
P04.13 | Newborn affected by maternal use of anticonvulsants | |
P04.14 | Newborn affected by maternal use of opiates | |
P04.15 | Newborn affected by maternal use of antidepressants | |
P04.16 | Newborn affected by maternal use of amphetamines | |
P04.17 | Newborn affected by maternal use of sedative-hypnotics | |
P04.1A | Newborn affected by maternal use of anxiolytics | |
P04.18 | Newborn affected by other maternal medication | |
P04.19 | Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified medication | |
P04.2 | Newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco | |
Info: | Newborn affected by exposure in utero to tobacco smoke | |
Excl2.: | newborn exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (P96.81) | |
P04.3 | Newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol | |
Excl1.: | fetal alcohol syndrome (Q86.0) | |
P04.4 | Newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction | |
P04.40 | Newborn affected by maternal use of unspecified drugs of addiction | |
P04.41 | Newborn affected by maternal use of cocaine | |
P04.42 | Newborn affected by maternal use of hallucinogens | |
Excl2.: | newborn affected by other maternal medication (P04.1-) | |
P04.49 | Newborn affected by maternal use of other drugs of addiction | |
Excl2.: | newborn affected by maternal anesthesia and analgesia (P04.0) withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction (P96.1) | |
P04.5 | Newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances | |
P04.6 | Newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances | |
P04.8 | Newborn affected by other maternal noxious substances | |
P04.81 | Newborn affected by maternal use of cannabis | |
P04.89 | Newborn affected by other maternal noxious substances | |
P04.9 | Newborn affected by maternal noxious substance, unspecified |
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