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PCS-2023 Procedure Codes Overview
PCS-2023 > B > B8 > B80

Eye, Plain Radiography

Plain Radiography: Planar display of an image developed from the capture of external ionizing radiation on photographic or photoconductive plate
B800 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Duct, Right
PCS B800 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Duct, RightB801 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Duct, Left
PCS B801 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Duct, LeftB802 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Ducts, Bilateral
PCS B802 Plain Radiography, Lacrimal Ducts, BilateralB803 Plain Radiography, Optic Foramina, Right
PCS B803 Plain Radiography, Optic Foramina, RightB804 Plain Radiography, Optic Foramina, Left
PCS B804 Plain Radiography, Optic Foramina, LeftB805 Plain Radiography, Eye, Right
PCS B805 Plain Radiography, Eye, RightB806 Plain Radiography, Eye, Left
PCS B806 Plain Radiography, Eye, LeftB807 Plain Radiography, Eyes, Bilateral PCS B807 Plain Radiography, Eyes, Bilateral


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